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Building Self Awareness

Self-awareness is the foundation of personal growth. Building self-awareness leads to greater understanding of the interactions that you have with others. It allows you to create and maintain the life that you want.

There are two categories of self-awareness: internal and external. Internal self-awareness is the conscious knowledge of your own character, feelings, motives, and desires. External self-awareness means that we are aware of how other people see us. True self-awareness encompasses both and allows you to make intuitive decisions without a second thought. Here are some simple ways to build self-awareness:

  • Test yourself.  Personality tests (like Enneagram) psychometrics, and strength assessments are a great way to start building self-awareness. It shows dominate patterns and behaviors whether they are good or bad. Some assessments also offer suggestion on how to improve yourself.
  • Reflect. A part of self-awareness is self-reflection, which is the ability to look at yourself and your actions in an unbiased way. Questioning your actions during and after situations without judgement builds emotional intelligence. Journaling can also be a form of reflection. Writing down your thoughts and or feelings and going back to them can help you understand yourself better. Dive into Your LifeBook today to start reflecting.
  • Ask others.  Ask people that you trust about yourself. What words would they use to describe you? What do they think are your strengths and weaknesses? Do they notice certain tendencies or triggers for you? Asking other people about yourself builds the whole picture of who you are allows you to recognize and take responsibility for your actions.
Meet Coach Jen
Independent OPTAVIA Coach and Certified Health and Wellness Coach
(772)-261-0680 to learn more about creating healthy habits.

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